
What To Do If Your Frozen Pipes Burst

Frozen pipes are one of the most common winter plumbing issues in the Greater Columbus area. When the water inside pipes freezes, it puts tremendous pressure on it and can result in cracks or bursts. When a frozen pipe bursts, it can cause water damage, mold growth, or even structural damage. Keep reading to understand

Apex Pros - Overloaded Circuit Breaker – Signs, Causes & How to Prevent It

Overloaded Circuit Breaker – Signs, Causes & How to Prevent It

On-demand electricity is a modern amenity we often take for granted until it stops working. Tripped breakers caused by overloaded circuits are disruptive to everyday life. But frequent tripped breakers aren’t the only sign you have an overloaded circuit. Let's discuss circuit breakers and what you can do if you have an overloaded circuit. Signs